Monday, April 23, 2007

Desert My Arse

Leave it to Gordon Ramsay to be a drama queen about the "heat" yesterday during the London Marathon. The The BBC quoated him saying:

"It was like running in a desert today. I stopped to help one guy. It was quite bad. They were dropping like flies"

It was a whole of 21C yesterday, my gym is hotter than that at the height of winter. It was a bit humid, too. That isn't very desert-like.

Yesterday may have resembled a desert at dawn maybe. Unless he was thinking of frozen deserts like Antartica. I dragged myself, with a broken toe, to Finsbury Park and I was actually a bit cold because of the cool breeze. I know that doesn't compare to the 26 mile run but I would hardly say conditions reminded me of the desert.

When I was in Patagonia earlier this year, the temperatures did indeed soar to about 37C with blazing, unforgiving sun. THAT, Mr Ramsay, is desert.

Maybe people were taking ill because they were running for 26 miles. Just a thought.

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