Monday, July 02, 2007

TEMP of the Month!

That's me!

I have no idea why. I guess other temps are really rubbish. All I did was show up to work and called in the day I was ill.

I have been rewarded with £25 of Marks&Spencer's vouchers and a certificate.

But what shall I spend my reward on? Yummy food? Crockery for the new flat (wherever it shall be)? A new bra and knickers? Hmmmm


traxis said...

Congratulations! Get the shortbreads!

Anonymous said...

Um, hi found ya though Lena. Love yer name so me thought me would see what Little Miss Bitch had to say. Me has a thing for names. Me like the name of a person and me checks out the site.

Um, yer tellin me in the UK that they gives 'temp' workers a 'Temp of the month' awardy type thing and you get to go shoppin at a store?? Well damn maybe if they did it here in good ole CANADA or at least in where me lives (( HELL, ONT )) me would has enjoyed being a temp more. LOL

Go for some slinky sexy jammies. The boyfriend would like it too. Or their is the sexy undies. That be cool too....

Temp of the month. Congradulations. But is amazed that a temp agency would have the idea to do something like that...LOL

Helena said...

Spend it on a ice cream, girl! You may just get 3 tubs for your money though - but it'll be worth it!!