Lena has tagged me!
The Rules:
1. If you're tagged, you must post the rules - which are:
2. You post your 8 random facts.
3. At the end of your blog, you tag someone else and they must post their random facts.
4. You leave your chosen people a comment telling them they've been tagged.
8 Random Facts
-I once recorded spoken word at Abbey Road Studios in Studio 2.
-I have had 9 teeth removed from my mouth, including a freaky half-tooth that was growing behind my two front teeth
-I chatted to Gwen Stefani in the Ladies Room at Heaven. She was lovely and yes, she is that pretty!
-I have to have a Nesquick Hot Chocolate in the morning or I get very grumpy.
-I was at the first public autopsy conducted in Britain in 170 years. Gavin got me in on a press pass and we ended up on the front row. It started off as exciting and then got a bit boring. It was a science lesson. Dr von Hagens held a gallbladder up to my face and nearly splattered us when he opened up the skull.
-I was married by a man in a turban and bare feet while his little dog watched.
-I often get stressed out to the point of tears when I have to tidy, organise or sort things but give me a hoover and I'm happy as a kid in a candy shop.
-I once had a marmalade cat with 6 claws on each paw. His name was Stripes and he was mean.
1 comment:
What a delightful wedding ceremony! I'd remember this more than a traditional wedding. How sweet!
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