At least we decided on a flat. Of course, we decided on the first flat we saw 2 weeks ago in Chiswick.
As we decided late in the evening I decided to text the estate agent, Tony, to ask if it was still available. "Yes" he replied.
HURRAH! I thought. At least we have a result.
I rang him this morning to get the ball rolling but he had some upsetting news.
The reason the flat was still available was because the pipes to the toilet had collapsed. Apparently A LOT of the pipe had collapsed and the repairs would not be finisihed by the time we need to come in.
He has another flat we may like in Central Chiswick.
Now Tim is gone to a stag do for the weekend. So flathunting is on hold until Monday but time is running out.
1 comment:
What a run of bad luck LMB! I can't believe all these 'little' hiccups!
How did it go today? The new Chiswick flat okay? My fingers are crossed extra tightly that it went well!
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