Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Another Friday at the Lincoln

I had a lovely weekend thanks to the Boyz.

Tim met me after work on Friday night and we went the Lincoln Lounge for the mandatory end of week drink with Liverpool St David and Nik. We also met some other nice people that work with David.

It was a warm summer evening that seemed to stretch forever beyond the gas works and the rail tracks of King's Cross & St Pancras. The lincoln was awash in golden light, the music was quite bangin and the Irish bar maid plied David with shooters. All was right in the world.

At 10pm we decided to head to David's for a smoke. The sky was still light when we hopped into a black cab towards the City.

At David's we were joined by Chris B and he, Nik and Tim had some sort of skinning up competition while Lvpl St David and I danced to Madonna, Pulp, Kate Bush and Gorillaz. Then it all became a bit of a haze. Nik "rushed" off to the station to catch the last tube home. By rushed I mean in a meandering, confused way.

Tim, David and I were left to our messy devises. I think we bickered but in a half-assed way. Tim spilled his drink. David laughed. I was in the zone.

Then we headed home, which seemed to take forever and then Tim insisted on getting a kebab. That he wants kebabs disturbs me. It's wrong.

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