Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Diagnosis Almost

I spent this morning in the Maudsley Hospital having further assessment for ADHD. I had a terrible time getting there and was 45 minutes late. I was lucky they still saw me.

Anyway, long story short. I've been given a provisional diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder pending yet more tests in February and the receipt of my school reports.

So it's still not entirely resolved and it goes on. The next step will be deciding on medication and Cognative Behavoural Therapy.

The medication is tricky. There's two different types. One would mean giving up drugs, and the other giving up alcohol. It's all a bit sucky.

Also the CBT is done as 3 all-day group session, which sounds like a royal pain in the arse to me. Further individual CBT sessions can be arranged with your own GP, providing an ADHD expert can be found in your Borough (highly unlikely.)

It all sounds like a drag.

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