Friday, August 18, 2006

This Is the End Of Our Small Love

Dry your eyes Nikki. You'll be minted when you leave, again!

Yes, boyz and girls, it is tissue time. The exciting but sad day is upon us. Big Brother 7 has reached its final day.

At this point, I am really hoping Peter or Aisleyne win it because they have been through so much and I believe they are both genuine characters, even though occassionally misguided.

Actually, as long as it's not that arrogant tosser Glyn, I'll be quite happy tonight.

I will miss you Davina, Russell Brand, his ballbags, the mouthpiece, Dermot and his bunny cam. *sniff*

Personally, I think it's the best big brother since BB2 (the one that Brian won.)

My Favourite BB7 Moments in No Particular Order

Pete and Nikki-but will it last?

1. Nikki's return the house and the happy reunion with Pete. I think I did shed a tear.

2. Bonnie's reply to Big Brother when asked how she was feeling "Sumthin, or nuthin or everYTHING"

3. Pete in the Diary Room Disco.

4. Richard's diary room bitches

5. Aisleyne refusing to snog Spiral

6. Richard's hysterical apology to Leah when he chose Nikki to return to the house over her. That made me shed a tear too.

7. Imogen's radio jingle. It will haunt me for months.

8. Nikki's diary room rant about Susie "Who IS SHE? WHO IS SHE? WHERE DID YOU FIND HER?"

9. Pete falling in the pool

10. Grace's Eviction

11. Glyn telling Nikki the wrong things to say to Welsh Big Brother

12. Sezer's face when Davina announced he had been evicted. Gold.

13. Pete's gift to Richard in the Best Friends Task: A picture of Spiral in a Heart-shaped frame. Spiral was well, mortified.

Can Aisleyne take the lead over Pete in the final day?

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