Friday, September 09, 2005


1. Summer seems to have caught a second wind. Trust me, global warming (or dimming whichever) is a reality. The last 3 weeks have been pretty much brilliant weather wise, and it looks like the temperature will stay in the 20s well into next week (although I know how volatile the weather systems over the UK can be.

We did make it to Hampstead Heath on Saturday, followed by a nice little party near Waterloo (but not at David and Albert's but they were at the party.)

2. I have faced up to the truth. I want to be a Hampstead Housewife. I want to shop at expensive and organic food halls, wear trendy clothes, smoke weed during the day, and go to yoga class.

3. I am being picky about jobs. Eventually I am going to run out of cash, and won't have that luxary. I was interviewed yesterday in a lovely company, with lovely people and 2K more a year than I was earning before but I am dubious because the hours are 10-18:30 and I will miss Hollyoaks!

Well, it's not Hollyoaks really, it's that it will be dark when I get home well into April, and it would suck in the summer. On the nicer days I enjoyi wandering through parks after work but if I can't even make it to one til 7pm? And I wouldn't make it to the gym 'til late either . It would also put a damper on mine and Andreea's weekly coffee meetings.

4. I am annoyed at my ex-colleagues, only my manager has bothered to contact me since I was made redundant. I knew that place was really quite two faced, but I didn't realise how much.

5. Freddie is going to be banned from having birthdays as long as I keep living with her. On Friday she did the usual get hammered at the Ben Crouch before crawling to Popstarz and refusing to leave or act reasonably until they play Animal Nitrate. Somehow, after much cajuling, I got her to leave before they did as she was stumbling about too much and annoying her friends.

On Wednesday we had a small soiree and few people came over. Only Freddie got drunk and was shieking like a banshee and being a bit too pushy and violent. She made us listen to the same old stuff over and over and screamed as it started playing. (There is a light that never goes out x 4, animal nitrate x 2, Save a Prayer x 2, etc etc) We managed to get the Kaiser Chiefs and Franz Ferdinand in there for a bit (we were just making sure it was, in face, 2005) but she changed them.

She managed to annoy everyone greatly and all left before closing time. I was left to clean up the mess while she jibbered nonesense to our new flatmate, Antonia, who didn't know what hit her.

Otherwise, she's actually my favourite person to live with so far.

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