Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Long Distance Lovin'
(I am sorry, I have turned into a silly, sappy, girl.) If I weren't so loved up I'd hate me. )

I am going to take the coach to Oxford on Friday evening to visit Richard for the first time. He's spent the last 3 weekends in London so it's my turn to make the journey.

It will be the first time I spent a night outside London since I went to Toronto to see my parents for Christmas!

I am very exited about it, not only seeing a new, reportedly beautiful, place but just spending time with Richard. I thought having a lost-distance relationship would be a bit easier. I thought, cool, I can have my own life during the week, but I just spend the whole time daydreaming about the weekend and checking my mobile for texts and my inbox for emails. I also feel like I am neglecting my friends a bit, although I suspect that's all in my head

Richard and I had an absolutely gorgeous time this past weekend, including the Colourspace Music Festival, which was wonderful (except for the screaming, hyper, children)

He brought me a dozen red-roses, a heart shaped lollipop and a marble when he arrived at my door on Friday night. We had a little, romantic dinner by candle light. (ugh, what's happening to me????)

We also saw Ladytron at Popstarz on Friday, who were pretty good despite their Kraftwork-like static performance. It's all part of the act, I suppose. I love their music, anyhow.

I did get to say this little tidbit:

"This is my boyfriend, Richard. Richard, this is my husband Darian"
You don't get to say that everyday!

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